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New Business Cards Looking Snazzy, Newsletters Coming Soon, and More!

After careful consideration, I decided to go fourth and design a new card for my photography business alone rather than designing a new one for my art. Granted, you can still search me up from this new card to find my current works still, especially right here on my website.

I'd love to get some more members onto this site, soon, newsletters will start going out to those subscribed here. There will be opportunities to win free sessions and discounts on canvas prints and more! I'll be hosting drawings as well on other platforms such as Facebook once newsletters begin getting sent out.

I've been receiving more inquiries about shoots. A specific one in general: Weddings. I was really apprehensive about accepting those sort of bookings but after thinking about it more in depth and having friends encouraging me to go for it, I have decided to accept those session events. I believe I was scared for nothing. There are certain points I need to jot down and keep in mind but I think I have the ability to start out decently. We'll see :)

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