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Working with Timothy Paul

Updated: Feb 19, 2019

★★★★★ / 5 Stars

I had a ball with everyone I worked with during an Urban Glam/Winter stylized shoot, hosted by Timothy Paul Photography! All of them were so lovely to work with, very friendly and quick to lend me a hand when I had absolutely no clue what I was doing with my camera. Every model had such strong sense of self awareness, worked with their environment smoothly, and produced fierce and gorgeous photos. Team work is definitely somethin'. Personally, I feel I was able to communicate a whole lot better than how I've been a few times prior, working more with the models and it was so much fun 🤗.

I had a blast and can't wait for the 24th- another shoot hosted by him called 'Ice Portraits'.

I learned a lot of new techniques from watching the other photographers, advice from different perspectives. I'll remember them and put them to good use while continuing photography as a hobby, and hopefully, a side career in the ear future.

I observed a couple of things with how to set up a backdrop and light angles. The lights actually being a big part in watching and learning. I'm one to use natural light, I like how the scenery and sets look with what we're given by the sun, so knowing how to manipulate light in a studio is enjoyable.

This entire experience encourages me to make this into a real passion someday and be able to make my art a career. It's so great to think of getting into something you love full-on and blossom throughout life.

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